EVENT LOG FOR SITE 6_BVJ Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time & who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Date Time Who What -------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 11/01/98 00:00 davem SMP personnel report that DSM1 sampling was terminated for the season at midnight on October 31. In 1998, sampling at DSM1 occurred daily between 1600h and 2400h. PIT tags detected at BVJ were obtained from these samples. BVJ (SMP sample) interrogations complement BVX (flat plate) interrogations to provide (almost) complete coverage of PIT tagged fish passing Bonneville Dam via the PH1 bypass channel. 04/02/98 10:00 carters Tuesday, 3/31, Dean Ballinger reported that the wobble nose diverter on the sub-sample monitor was not working. Brad Peterson found low signal and repaired by soldering a capacitor in the signal transmission interface from the reader to the wobble nose. The repair was made Wed. 4/1/98. 03/24/98 15:49 carters Phone line was repaired by PSMFC on Thursday, 3/19/98. Line was removed by Corps maintenance personnel while painting the SMP office. 03/18/98 08:57 carters Sub sample operations began on 3-9-98. The barrel detector was tested on Friday, 3/13/98. Telephone service has been down since the first of the month and is still being looked into. As of today, NMFS reports no PIT detections. PTOC will survey the site today. See BVX event log for information related to the flat plate...