EVENT LOG FOR SITE BVX Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 03/03/2003 16:28 Dave At Doug Clough's request, I modified the BVX entry in etc/sites, switching it from "active" to "archaic" status.  BVX is now an official ex-site. 01/08/2003 16:58 Darren The site has not been loading due to the platform being turned off while the new flat plate detection and communication equipment is being installed. The circuits for the platform have been tagged out by COE and will not be operational until 1-9-03. 01/02/2003 10:16 PTOC_Bot Plateform was powered down for 2hr 41mins due to the instillation of the PLC. 01/01/2003 12:07 Dave Initialized new event log for 2003. 2002 event log has been archived. ####End of Event Log for BVX###