EVENT LOG FOR SITE CHW Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 12/19/2011 12:03 Ben The MUX did not store any test tags from 12/13/11 at 07:56 to 12/18/11 at 10:57. The MUX was on and storing data reports every three hours during this time period. Current and noise levels on all antennas remained within normal operating ranges during this time. It is unclear why the MUX did not store any test tags. Ben Truscott Fish and Wildlife Biologist 12/13/2011 12:05 Ben Chiwaukum transceiver had an error and reset all parameters. All data from 12/01/11 at 07:39:18 to 12/07/11 at 11:05:05 was lost. Previous and next interrogation files contained no actual PIT tags, all tags recorded were test tags. Ben Truscott 08/12/2011 09:32 Ben All data and event logs from 04/26/11 to 08/04/11 uploaded on 8/12/11. Data and event logs will now be updated on weekly basis. Antenna 2 low amperage during installation and tuning (4/26/11), antenna still picking up test and real tags. CHW site installed and fully operational on 04/26/11. 07/29/2011 13:06 Nicole Initial entry for CHW - Chiwaukum Creek interrogation site. The site data steward is Todd Miller (todd.miller@dfw.wa.gov) and the technical point of contact is Ben Truscott (ben.truscott@dfw.wa.gov). ####End of Event Log for CHW###