EVENT LOG FOR SITE ESJ Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 11/04/2002 15:12 scottl@p B2:TestTagFailure: Failure caused by PTOC maint. . 11/04/2002 15:11 scottl@p A1:TestTagFailure: A1:TestTagFailure: Caused by PTOC maint. . 11/04/2002 15:11 scottl@p A1:TestTagFailure: Caused by PTOC maint. . 10/29/2002 09:33 scott Semi Pre-season startup was preformed on this site starting 10/29/2002. Sheild boxes were opened and Timertag connectors were inspected for corrosion and replaced if nessessary. All fiber optic cables including spares were tested for continuity. ISP comms was verified and site is actively submitting files and will remain online indefinately. ESJ new timertag codes: Coil A1: 3D9.0EEEEEE547 Coil B1: 3D9.0EEEEEE59C Coil B2: 3D9.0EEEEEE4DA Codes are also contained in file ESJ02302.B 06/07/2002 12:06 Dave I submitted two ESJ files, a patch file and the final data file, this morning. The 2002 ESJ data archive is now considered complete and finalized. 06/06/2002 16:12 Darren_C These sites were shutdown today (6-6-02). They will restarted after next January for Data collection. 06/03/2002 16:41 Dave Disabled file-upload checking for JCJ and ESJ. 05/24/2002 11:11 Anthony On 5/22/02 installed keyboard tray on Anthro cart and tuned all transceivers. All transceivers are communicating to the pit tag room. 05/06/2002 11:16 Don_Warf Had site personnel reboot PC1 due to a lockup while using PCA. The reboot occurred at 9:20 PST. 05/06/2002 11:13 Don_Warf Set the file submission frequency to upload 4 times per day. Checked and set clocks. Set About Time to run in the system tray at the Minimon sites. 05/03/2002 09:44 Don_Warf Set PC1 and PC2 to create 4 files per day. This was done at 8:00 PST. 04/11/2002 12:55 Don_Warf PCanywhered in to find out why PC1 had not sent files. Moments after I made the connection the connection was lost. PC1 would then not re-connect. I had site personnel do a hard reboot of PC1. I was then able to connect and manually sent the files. Verified that PC1 did not stop collecting data during the time when no files were sent. 03/19/2002 07:57 Darren_C Charles Strom sent e-mail to the fact that screens had been pulled on March 15th. I will post the same for Jack Creek when I receive that information. 03/15/2002 09:27 Scott_Li Site interrogation computers have been upgraded to Minimon Ver. 1.0.81. Stick test were performed on both monitors at all sites with 99 % stick tag detection efficiency. All transceivers were calibrated and tuned for optimum current and noise levels. Per YIN personel, the board dams will be removed sometime today and fishies will be free to move on their own valition. 03/13/2002 21:00 Darren_C Fish were delivered to each of the Acclamation site on the following dates. I will make sure that we have all files needed to ensure any escapee recordings. The sites and Dates are as follows: CFJ - 1/15-1/17/02 ESJ - 1/28-1/30/02 JCJ - 2/20-2/22/02. 02/28/2002 16:41 Darren_C I was able to PCA into PC1 and when I did I found a "Connect To" prompt box on screen. We figured after viewing the log file that something happened while PTTP was uploading files on 2-26-02 at about 20:26hrs. and the connection got lost thus bringing up the prompt box. What I did find that was particularly odd was that after this happened minimon did not attempt to close or open a new file. It logged data for about 36hrs straight. We tried to send files but we were unsuccessful. I discovered that the username and password for the ellensburg ISP were not in the fields. These fields were filled in and with the help of the site personnel we established a connection and sent files. Unfortunately one of these files contains data from 2-26-02 at 20:26 until 2-28-02 at 11:30. There are no fish records in any of this information only timer tags and status reports. We will watch this site to make sure this does not happen again. 02/22/2002 11:45 Carter_S I talked to John McConnaghey (sp?) re: the two fish seen yesterday at ESJ. He said that he would check into a possible 'leak'. He said that they plan to 'pull the boards' on 3/15/02. --Carter 02/22/2002 08:07 Carter_S Has the volitional release at Easton started, or do we have some escapees? Feb 22, 2002 07:54:08 Page 1 Obs Date Site Tag Site Rel Site Species Run Rear Type Total Obs Site: ESJ 21-feb-2002 ESJ CLEE EASTOP Chinook Spring Hatchery 2 Total ESJ Observations for this Query: 2 02/11/2002 19:23 Darren_C I traveled to site and found PC1 was locked up in that it would not respond to keystrokes or mouse movement. I was able to reboot PC1 and restore all communications. I was talking to the site personnel and found out that there was a power outage at 5 a.m. on 2-8-02 and after reviewing the logfiles I found that somehow we lost telephone communications at 20:00 on 2-8-02. There may have been some telecommunication problems in the area. Once everything was done I had Dave M. PC anywhere into PC1 and verify all was well. 02/10/2002 02:25 Darren_C I was able to PCA into PC2 but unable to establish communications with PC1. I will monitor this site for communications. I will be in the area on Monday 2-11-02. If communications have not returned by then I will visit the site and fix the communication problems. 01/30/2002 10:00 Scott_Li PCA into PC1 and found that the PTTP client was attaching to an invalid Dial-up netwroking connection. Never seen this before. Deleted the connection and manually sent the cued files to ptagis. Will monitor for upload consistency 01/23/2002 10:04 Carter_S Updated test_tags table to remove ESJ B2 from coil 3D9.0EEEEEE301. ESJ B2 is now assigned to 3D9.0EEEEEE4F6. This data was inferred from the execptions listed on http://www.pittag.org/maint_op/timer_tags/exceptions/cf_excep.02023.2 and the actuals reported in http://www.pittag.org/Data_and_Reports/data/FDVL/loaded/interrogation/ESJ/ 2002/ESJ02023.A 01/22/2002 11:57 Dave Per Scott's request, I've modified the test_tag record for '3D9.0EEEEEE4F6' (the old ESJ-A2 test tag) by nulling the coil_id value, and specified 'ESJ' and 'A2' for the obs_site and coil_id fields, respectively, for test_tag record '3D9.0EEEEEE5AE'. 01/22/2002 11:17 Scott Replaced timertag for coil A2. New TT code 3D9.0EEEEEE5AE. Please modify site configuation to reflect this change. 01/10/2002 08:30 Scott_Li The interrogation system has been activated as of ~11:00 hrs 01/09/02. The timer tag on coil A2 is not firing and will be corrected when the snow level drops enough to access the top of the antenna shielding. The file Upload process was verified successful with Dave M. Note that the clocks for pc1 and pc2 were syncronized and old 2001 data was moved from the archive dir. to 2001Data dir. for storage. For some reason, PC1 did not auto-upload subsequent to the inital start up .PCA's into pc1 this morning and manually initiated the process and was successful. Will monitor site for inconsistent uploading. 01/09/2002 14:04 Dave At Scott's request, I enabled file-submission checking for ESJ and CFJ. ####End of Event Log for ESJ###