EVENT LOG FOR SITE ESX Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 06/28/2004 14:17 Darren This is a test message sent from the ‘legacy’ web interface. It should be deposited in the top-level directory of the ESX Events forum. 05/24/2004 12:04 Dave I manually revised files ESX04133.101 and ESX04135.101, replacing a total of seven erroneous references to coil ID 'F2' for test tag '3D9.0EEEEEE4EE'. The correct coil ID is 'F1'. I also updated the coil ID for these seven records in the ptagis3.test_tag_data table. I modified the 'attmpt_state' field in the ptagis3.fd_file and ptagis3.fd_submit tables from 'NET_ANOM' to 'MODIFIED', and updated the corresponding 'state_dt_tim' fields with the current date/time. Finally, I deleted the ESX04133.101.err and ESX04135.101.err files. 05/24/2004 11:06 Dave Initial entry for new Estuarine/Salt Water Experimental Trawl site. ####End of Event Log for ESX###