EVENT LOG FOR SITE 1_GRJ Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time & who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned 4 spaces in. Date Time Who What -------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 11/02/98 10:31 scottl The facilty was dewatered for the season at 0700 Nov.1 98'. Air to the Slidegates has also been shut off. 10/13/98 09:13 dlwarf GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 09/30/98 08:26 scottl Todd K. is correcting a problem with the ppp process that keeps this site from being polled. 09/26/98 00:00 davem SMP personnel report that, on September 26, fish in excess of the truck capacity were bypassed. A total of 135 wild subyearling chinook were sent back to the river that day. 09/10/98 08:04 scottl GRJ-5, DIVERSION 1: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 09/08/98 10:53 scottl Copied files grj98246.*, grj98247.* , grj98248.* from the pc2/logfiles dir to the pc1/logfiles directory. This data was missing from the data set and should be available after the 9/8/98, 1330 load process. 09/08/98 08:22 dlwarf PC1 at GRJ had both Rocketports lose communication Thursday at 12:30 PST and was not restored until it was rebooted at 9:30 PST on 9/5/98. PC2 data files are intact and will be loaded on 9/8/98. No tags were diverted during the time PC1 was down. 09/03/98 14:05 scottl Replaced modem and changed phone lines in order to try and correct intermittent connection problems with the dial up ppp process. Also checked connections inside the rj11 wall jack, looked ok. Was able to successfully connect to gladstone and transmit data. Will monitor for reoccurring problems. 09/03/98 09:00 scottl Reported phone line problems to us west. The scheduled date for repair is not until 9/27/98. They may be able to be there sooner than this but no garantees. The long lead time is due the recent strike. 09/02/98 14:07 scottl Traveled to site to verify the air lines for the slide gate controls was replaced and operational. Also reset modem due to no connection has been made to this site for several day's. Will replace modem if nessesary. 08/26/98 14:15 carters GRJ-3, RACEWAY WEST/EXIT: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 08/21/98 08:43 scottl SMP reported the facility went to 100 percent sub-Sample as of 0700 hrs on 8/21. 08/20/98 00:00 davem SMP personnel reported the following fish kill. Fish loaded into the sample recovery tank on August 20 perished because they did not have adequate water in the tank to survive. A total of 93 fish were lost, including 91 wild subyearling chinook. 08/17/98 13:34 dlwarf Called USwest to report noise on data line. Repair schedule is unclear due to labor strike. 08/14/98 11:28 carters GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 08/14/98 11:28 carters GRJ-3, RACEWAY WEST/EXIT: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 08/14/98 11:27 carters GRJ-5, DIVERSION 1: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 08/14/98 11:27 carters GRJ-1, A-SEPARATOR GATE: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 08/03/98 08:15 scottl The A-side separator flume was dewatered on saturday. The traveling screen was installed to prevent debree entering the system. The flume will be shut down for the rest of the season. 07/28/98 09:07 dlwarf Visited for a general maintenance check. Replaced exciter for coils 38 and 3A due to low efficiency on 38. Ran sticks on separator coils to check gate operation and found no problems. 07/28/98 08:52 dlwarf Visited for a general maintenance. Replaced exciter for coils 38 and 3A due to low efficiency on 38. Ran sticks on separator coils to check gate operation and found no problems. 07/16/98 08:26 scottl Eliminated the pcnfs authentication process on the collection pcs and adjusted the delay time from 180 sec. to 300. 07/16/98 08:18 scottl Gate Timing parameters for grj as follows. A-side delay before operate=0 A-side travel open=440mS A-side time open=1.30 sec. A-side travel close=290mS B-side delay before operate=0 B-side travel open=380mS B-side time open=1.30 sec. B-side travel close=220mS Sample gate delay bfore operate=0 S.G. time open=3.5 sec. General maintenence check found no problems. 07/10/98 07:00 davem SMP personnel report the sample override for PIT tags started at 0700 on June 10. 07/09/98 10:49 carters GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 07/07/98 13:16 dlwarf Replaced controller 12 due to crosstalk between reader cards. 07/02/98 13:36 dlwarf GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 07/02/98 13:33 dlwarf Visited for a general maintenance check and found no problems. Ran 10 sticks on each separator monitors and read 100%. 05/30/98 15:27 carters GRJ-5, DIVERSION 1: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/30/98 15:26 carters GRJ-4, RACEWAY EAST: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/30/98 08:59 carters GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/27/98 14:32 dlwarf Visited for a general maintenance check. Ran 10 sticks on the separator with these results: 28 read 10 2A read 10 2C read 10 2E read 10 05/27/98 09:25 dlwarf GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/27/98 09:23 dlwarf GRJ-5, DIVERSION 1: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/27/98 09:23 dlwarf GRJ-4, RACEWAY EAST: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/24/98 09:38 carters GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/23/98 09:18 dlwarf GRJ-5, DIVERSION 1: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/22/98 09:06 carters GRJ-5, DIVERSION 1: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/21/98 00:00 davem SMP personnel reported the following fish kill. On May 21, fish were being direct-loaded to the barge all evening until 2100 hours when in-coming fish were instead routed to an upstream raceway for NMFS marking purposes. For three hours, between 2100 and 2300 hours (9 p.m. to 11 p.m.), approximately 8,000 fish were sent to, or so the raceway technician thought, the marking raceway. However, the raceway technician did not go to the head of the raceways to check the gate settings. If he had done so, he would have found the path to the raceway blocked because the gates were installed in the flume and the raceway openings, trapping fish in the flume. Because fish were trapped in the flume, they didn't get enough water to keep them all alive. From the separator, the technician saw water entering the raceway from the flume and thought the path was clear. Though gated off, the flume gate is perforated so water can still get through it but not fish. Make-water valves kept the flume full until the problem was discovered at 0730. At that time, the trapped fish in the flume were allowed into the raceway and then loaded onto the barge. A total of 168 smolt mortalities were hand-counted and 1,000 mortalities were estimated to have been sent to the river. Some dead fish were observed going into the barge, but their numbers were not estimated. 05/20/98 10:39 carters GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/18/98 08:28 dlwarf GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/15/98 11:03 carters GRJ-5, DIVERSION 1: Annunciator warnings acknowledged LOWER GRANITE DAM JUVENILE (GRJ) Monitor Nbr: 5 -- DIVERSION 1 0.41 tag/min Coil: 3A Mean (M) = 99.00% Std Dev (S) +--------------------+-------------+----------------------------------- | End Time | Tags | Coil Efficiency + Of | Per +------+---------------------------- | Detection Interval | Minute | % |+- M-3S Mean(|) +--------------------+-------------+------+| 15-may-1998 05:32:52 0.35 |* 100.00 |--------------------------- 14-may-1998 13:03:38 0.15 |* 100.00 |--------------------------- 14-may-1998 10:52:08 100.00 |***** 90.00 <-O========================= 14-may-1998 10:51:56 1.21 |** 95.00 |--------------O============ 05/13/98 09:55 carters GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/13/98 09:55 carters GRJ-5, DIVERSION 1: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/08/98 09:58 carters GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/07/98 19:38 carters GRJ-5, DIVERSION 1: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/07/98 19:38 carters GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/05/98 11:33 carters GRJ-1, A-SEPARATOR GATE: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 05/04/98 09:05 scottl Visited site on the 5/1/98. The modems could not establish a connection from what seems to be poor quality phone lines. Swapped out the cable and modem but made no difference. Plugged modem in to the voice line and got a better connection percentage. At this time the modem is plugged into the voice line and will remain there until the problem with the data line is determined and repaired. 04/29/98 20:56 dlwarf Visited for a general maintenance check. Replaced exciter for A sep. Ran 20 sticks and read 19 on both coils. Notified USWest about noise on the data line. 04/29/98 16:38 scottl The problem with the upload process has been corrected. Modem in Gladstone was not hanging up. 04/29/98 09:24 dougc GRJ-7, SUBSAMPLE: Old warnings cleared per request from Don Warf. 04/29/98 09:23 dougc GRJ-6, DIVERSION 2: Old warnings cleared per request from Don Warf. 04/29/98 09:22 dougc GRJ-5, DIVERSION 1: Old warnings cleared per request from Don Warf. 04/29/98 09:21 dougc GRJ-3, RACEWAY WEST/EXIT: Old warnings cleared per request from Don Warf. 04/29/98 09:11 dougc GRJ-1, A-SEPARATOR GATE: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 04/24/98 08:34 scottl Found pc2 in an Abort, Retry, Ignore reading drive D: state on 4/23. This is due to the timeouts and retries set to 2 and 1. Changed the settings in pcnfs to 4 and 3 to prevent this from occuring. Loaded the new data base file grj98100.db on both the collection pcs. Upgraded multimon.exe form ver. 5.05 to 5.07. Also loaded new grj98113.map file. Not sure why, It was requested by Sandy Downing. 04/24/98 08:34 scottl Found pc2 in an Abort, Retry, Ignore reading drive D: state on 4/23. This is due to the timeouts and retries set to 2 and 1. Changed the settings in pcnfs to 4 and 3 to prevent this from occuring. Loaded the new data base file grj98100.db on both the collection pcs. Upgraded multimon.exe form ver. 5.05 to 5.07. Also loaded new grj98113.map file. Not sure why, It was requested by Sandy Downing. 04/17/98 14:50 dlwarf Entry for 4/16/98: Checked tune on A-Sep. Ran 10 sticks on A and B-Sep and read on all coils at 100%. Tried to run the Efficiency Calculator program on the Sun. When EC asked PC1 for a buffer flush an ACCESS DENIED error appeared and locked up PC1. PC2 also locked up with a FAILURE READING DRIVE D:\ error. Rebooted Sun and PCs and deleted Commands.dat on PC1. Platform was down from 12:04 to 12:18. PST. 04/07/98 14:35 carters Loaded new database grj98092.db to include looh data. Attended safety meeting. 04/03/98 08:40 scottl Tuned both a and b separator monitors. Stick test results: A-separator coil 28 detected 20 of 20 sticks 2a 20 of 20 2c 20 of 20 B-separator 2c 40 of 40 2e 39 of 40 Replaced loop tuner on coil 3a diversion 2 West raceway stick test results 18 detected 20 of 20 sticks 1A 20 of 20 1c 20 of 20 1e 20 of 20 East raceway 10 20 of 20 12 20 of 20 14 20 of 20 16 20 of 20 The facility preseason tuning and functionalty chech has been complete 03/24/98 08:51 scottl The file server O.S was upgraded on 3/23. 03/18/98 16:19 carters Lower Granite: Primary bypass began 3/17/98 @ 13:00. Collection tentetivly scheduled to begin 07:00 on 3/26/98. First truck scheduled 3/28/98.