EVENT LOG FOR SITE JD1 Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 11/07/2007 11:21 sandyd The site was basically offline from 0902 until 1609 on 6 November (Calendar date 310) while Biomark and NMFS were at the site. During the offline time, the computer was updated and tests were run to evaluate read ranges for each of the antennas with SST and ST tags. Biomark also tried different boards and grounding schemes to try to learn more about the current drops that have been observed at the site. 10/31/2007 12:28 sandy With the help of John Tenney we identified the uploading problem, though what caused it is still unknown as it started after the 0700 upload on Sunday (10/21) without any warning. The error messages being displayed in the Minimon file during the unsuccessful uploads were Error transmitting PTTP package: 25058 : Error connecting to FTP session: [10057] Socket is not connected Error initializing file upload: 25058 : Error cancelling transfer process: [10057] Socket is not connected To fix the problem, we had to restart Minimon twice (once may have been successful, but I misinterpreted something and restarted it again). John had recommended rebooting the PC as this had been effective when this same problem had appeared at other sites. However, since the site is so remote, we decided to see if just rebooting Minimon would be enough and it was. It was interesting that manual uploads were successful while the automatic ones were not. 10/22/2007 09:26 sandyd i manually uploaded the four files that had not loaded automatically. i could not find a reason that they hadnt uploaded on their own. 10/17/2007 17:49 sandyd I changed the number of files per day from 8 to 4 to make it faster for post processing. I will change it back when the process gets automated. 10/11/2007 12:36 Sandy 27 September 2007 The JD1 site is located near McDonald Ferry at mile 20 of the John Day River. It has 6 antennas that are installed in two 3-antenna arrays. JD1 started collecting fish data with a temporary MUX transceiver on 27 September 2007 when AC power was installed at the site. A laptop running Minimon was also installed. We had problems configuring the laptop for remote access. 2 October 2007 The permanent MUX was installed on 2 October. Tag-read-range tests were conducted by Biomark. NMFS personnel could only partially fix the remote access problem. 10 October 2007 Sandy Although the computer was removed by PSMFC on 5 October because of problems configuring it for remote access, fish data were still being collected by the transceiver. The laptop was returned on 9 October. Minimon and the transceiver were properly configured on 10 October. The site is now fully operational, but it will be closely monitored during the first few weeks of operation. The water level is starting to rise in the river. 10/10/2007 10:49 Scott_Li Per Sandy and Dave's request, remotely reconfigured the MUX for the following parameters, Test Tag Delay = 60 min, Status Delay = 60 min, Unique = off and Send Tags = on. Closed the current file and dumped the buffer contents of the reader to file 07203.I. After the dump, the contents were NOT erased. Awaiting further instructions from Dave M on how to proceed from here. 10/10/2007 07:36 Scott_Li Redeployed the laptop after reformatting drive and reloading operating system and associated interrogation software. Verified PCA remote access was successful and comms back to the transceiver. The RDP access may or may not be available. This was tested in the lab prior to delivery and had no problems. The system came back online at 11:00 am pst, no issues to report. 10/09/2007 16:17 Dave The JD1 site began collecting data on September 27, 2007. 10/03/2007 08:58 Dave I corrected the JD1 site configuration to associate antennas 01-03 with the upstream array, and antennas 04-06 with the downstream array. I had initially reversed these assignments. The configuration now matches the actual antenna deployment and follows the PTAGIS labeling conventions. 09/20/2007 14:54 Alan This is a test message sent from the ‘legacy’ web interface. It should be deposited in the top-level directory of the JD1 Events forum. 09/19/2007 16:51 Dave Instantiated a new site definition for JD1. ####End of Event Log for JD1###