EVENT LOG FOR SITE LEA The first line of each entry contains a date/time stamp & who is reporting. The most recent entry is listed first. Date Time Who ---------- ----- -------- 12/20/2011 12:39 Gabriel_ DEC 04 - 09:46 site down. 15:47 site up. 12/20/2011 12:37 Gabriel_ DEC 03 - 10:45 site down. 15:30 site up. 12/20/2011 12:25 Gabriel_ DEC 02 - 10:30 site down. 15:45 site up. 12/20/2011 12:24 Gabriel_ DEC 01 10:15 site down. 16:35 site up. 12/20/2011 12:23 Gabriel_ NOV 17 - 08:10 Site down. 15:56 Site up. 11/09/2011 07:41 Gabriel_ 10/04/2011 - 10/06/2011 Gabriel Stopped Minimon. Removed the trailer and installed new laptop box. De- watered flume and installed three new 1" antennas. Installed new non-metallic grating. Read ranges were ~ 14-16" on all three antennas. Current on all three antennas were ~.700A. Cell antenna signal weak, automatic uploading was not working. 10/24/11 Gabriel Readers were inadvertently switched off. Laptop was still running. 11/02/11 11:47:30 Gabriel Readers are back online. Noise has increased and read range has been significantly decreased. Antennas are not reading in the center. 13 tagged fish were dropped into the flume, of which only 8 fish were detected. 01/01/2011 00:00 PTOC_Bot Annual log file initiation for LEA #### End of Event Log for LEA ###