EVENT LOG FOR SITE MAD Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 11/06/2009 09:07 -_Tom 11/4/2009 - Gabriel Brooks of NOAAs electrical tech shop assisted with fine tuning antennas. Site operations look good; however, antenna #3 has recorded fluctuating levels of noise (average of 20% with peaks in the upper 80%). Will continue to monitor noise and troubleshoot as needed. 10/16/2009 06:34 -_Tom 10/3/2009 - No change from previous report 10/9/2009 - No change from previous report 09/29/2009 10:25 Tom 09/17/2009 - Enabled virtual timer tag to record at 60 minute intervals beginning at 15:36. Site has operated continuously and within acceptable parameters since last event log. 07/09/2009 15:04 Tom 04/16/2008 - Site activated and fully operational. 01/07/2009 to 01/20/2009 - Ice dam broke above site and antennae #1 and 3 became unplugged. 05/11/2009 to 05/16/2009 - Antenna #1 unplugged. 05/28/2009 to 06/11/2009 - Antenna # 1 unplugged. 05/28/2009 - Antenna #6 cable broken. 07/08/2009 - Replaced cable for antenna #6. 06/16/2009 14:54 Dave Information for activities prior to 2009, if available, will be reported in the 2009 event log. ####End of Event Log for MAD###