EVENT LOG FOR SITE 7_MCX Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time & who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Date Time Who What -------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 09/09/97 10:08 dlwarf Site personnel report that the site will be dewatered today from 7:00am to 4:00pm. This down time is for COE maintenance. 08/15/97 08:43 dlwarf Site personnel report two power outages on 8/13/97 from 3:40am to 5:05am and on 8/14/97 from 3:35am to 4:30am. 06/30/97 08:10 dlwarf Site T1 line has been down since Friday 6/27/97. Pete Peterson (COE) has called in USwest. 06/26/97 08:26 scottl Recieved monthly test worksheet from NMFS. Took several measurements on 6/24. Will return to complete ASAP. These measurments where on Xciever A1. 06/26/97 08:26 scottl Recieved monthly test worksheet from NMFS. Took several measurements on 6/24. Will return to complete ASAP. These measurments where on Xciever A1. 05/20/97 14:03 scottl Replaced Conventional Interface Box on coil A2 (rect) per D/F. Checked exciter frequency and was at 134.2Khz.SMP to run Stick tag test. Results to follow. Will send CIB back to D/F for evaluation. 05/16/97 11:21 scottl All Y cables have been installed for redundancy and the network connection h completed. All cables were tested by sending commands to the readers. 05/13/97 08:25 scottl Removed the Multimon crontab form the sun per Carter. 05/13/97 08:18 scottl The pc1 PCNFS will not mount the D: drive on the Sun. Suspect corrupted software. Changed network card, removed Monkey B virus. Will visit Site late in the week to try and resolve this issue. Installed Y cables for redundacy to both computers. Coil B4 is without due to the cable was damaged during initial testing but is repairable. 05/01/97 15:40 scottl Pulled fiber optic cable for T-1 connection, Will terminate ends and coordinate hookup when time permits. ####End of Event Log for 7_MCX###