EVENT LOG FOR SITE MCX Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time & who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What -------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 12/11/2002 14:33 Darren_C I just spoke with Brad Eby and he informed me that Today (12-11-02) at 07:00 the facility went to Primary bypass and that the slide gates were deactivated. At about 07:30 the separator was drained and all fish were sent to the raceways. The facility is done collecting for the year. Also the collection channel will shut down tomorrow (12-13-02) so there will be no fish passing any detection coils. We will be on site tomorrow to verify all information. 11/08/2002 08:50 Prentice On November 6 all antennas were turned On and OFF during the period of 1230 to 1450 for the purpose of changing out capacitors on the antennas. Both the antennas and transceivers now have a new type of capacitor to stabilize tuning of the system. 11/08/2002 08:46 Prentice On 5 November between the period of about 1245 and 1600 all transceiver units were in an On and Off mode for the change out of capacitors. The new capacitors were installed to stabilize the tuning of the units. 09/30/2002 08:50 Darren_C Friday I went to the site to find out what the state of PC1 was in. I found that the CPU was not powered up. I inquired with site personnel and found that there had been a power outage on Thursday at 15:30 and the PC's power button was not in the right position when power was restored. The data was retrieved and sent to PTAGIS from PC2. I also had to set the time on PC1 because after power up I discovered that the clock was 2 minutes off from PC1 to PC2. 09/27/2002 11:19 Darren_C I tried to PCA into PC1 but was unable to, I was successful into PC2. I will check this out while I am down there today. I did notice there was a winbox open on PC2 that said "Auto upload process disabled-check configuration and restart" I had to push the "o.k." button to get Multimon to a full screen. I don't think anyone from the Kennewick office has been into this computer recently. 08/26/2002 16:23 Scott_Li I tweeked Coil 02 and dropped the noise levels from 15-20 down to ~8%. This was done at 11:35 am dst. Also, Coil 01 Clamp to Coil distance is 9 inches, Coil 02 is 12 inches of separation. 08/05/2002 16:36 Prentice Subject: McNary MCX temp problem - Modifications made to the Hoffman boxes and transceivers during the period of 19-30 July General Site Description: The MCX site consists of four transceivers. The first and forth transceiver are in their own Hoffman Nema four box while transceivers two and three are in a common Hoffman box. All transceiver boxes have sun shields. The transceivers face roughly to the North. All transceivers were set at ~5.4 Amps for the following test conditions. Several modifications were made to the Hoffman boxes and transceivers over a period of several days. Problem: The transceivers were reporting temperatures of 60 c and higher. Corrective Measures: Date ~Time Condition 19 July 1337 Unit 1: White paper on Hoffman box door , all doors closed 19 July 1400 Unit 2: Transceiver door open , Hoffman door closed 19 July 1402 Unit 3: Removed 1 synch plug on transceiver., all doors closed 19 July 1356 Unit 4: All doors closed Corrective Measures: Date ~Time* Condition 24 July 1505 Unit 1: White paper on door, Hoffman door all the way open 24 July 1510 Unit 2: Transceiver door closed, Hoffman door open ~2.5 cm 24 July 1515 Unit 3: Transceiver door closed, synch plug removed, Hoffman door open ~2.5 cm 24 July 1525c Unit 4:Transceiver door open Hoffman door closed * Air temp ~38 c Corrective Measures: Date ~Time Condition 24 July 1748 Unit 1: White paper on door, Hoffman door open ~ 2.5 cm 24 July 1750 Unit 2: Transceiver door open, Hoffman door closed 24 July 1755 Unit 3: Transceiver door open, synch plug removed, Hoffman door closed 24 July 1525c Unit 4:Transceiver door open Hoffman door closed Corrective Measures: Date ~Time* Condition 25 July 0719 Unit 1: White paper on door, transceiver door closed, Hoffman door open 25 July 0722 Unit 2: Transceiver door open, Hoffman door closed 25 July 0725 Unit 3: Transceiver door open, Hoffman door closed 25 July 0800 *Unit 4:Transceiver door closed, On- Off plug removed , two synch plugs removed, Hoffman door closed * Unit off for about 35 min during plug removal Corrective Measures: Date ~Time* Condition 30 July 1823 Unit 1: White paper on door removed, transceiver door open, Hoffman door closed 30 July 1824 Unit 2: Transceiver door open, Hoffman door closed 30 July 1826 Unit 3: Transceiver door open, Hoffman door closed 30 July 1828 Unit 4:Transceiver door closed, On- Off plug removed , two synch plugs removed, Hoffman door closed 07/30/2002 08:06 scottl@p 03:HighTemp,04:HighTemp: The doors to the transceivers have been opened on 7/25. No high temp. problems have been logged since. 07/24/2002 15:04 Carter_S As a follow-up to a conference call to address high temperature issues last friday: 1. white contact paper was attached to the 30" x 30" NEMA-4 xtransceiver enclosure for coil 01 2. transceivers for coil 2 and 3 reside in a separate 30" x 30" enclosure. The enclosure door was closed. The door on transceiver 02 was left open. The door on transciever 03 was closed, but the synch plug was removed. 3. Transceiver 04 resides in its own 30" x 30" encloser and was not changed. Today, only coil 03 and 04 indicate 'high temp' alarms. 07/02/2002 08:49 Darren_C I was on site yesterday. I removed the HOBO temp from coil 01 at MCX. I will download this data for Earl. I replaced transceiver 0B at MC2, the transceiver had failed, it will be checked out in the lab but it appears that the RAM for the +VE has failed. The unit was tuned and the buffer was cleared. I placed two (2) HOBO temps at MC1, one outside underneath the sunshield and one inside the enclosure of coils 0B,0C. The data will be collected for 6 days. 06/28/2002 12:20 Scott_Li Noticed that MCX-PC2 has not been sending data files to the test directory for quite some time. Could not PCA to computer, had SMP at the site reboot computer. PCA'd to PC2 and turned off automated data sudmission. Will reactivate if a request is made to do so.. 06/17/2002 14:38 Dave The COE reports that McNary switched from secondary to primary bypass at 0926h on June 9 for scheduled maintenance of the VBSs. This became unscheduled maintenance when the debris on the VBSs clogged the collection channel screens, and the facility switched to emergency bypass between 0815h and 1345h on June 11. The facility switched out of emergency bypass back into primary bypass between 0915h and 1443h on June 13, and switched back into secondary bypass at 1824h that same day. Why do we care? Because MCJ is dewatered when the facility is in primary bypass, and MCX is dewatered when the facility switches to emergency bypass. So MCJ was without fish to detect for four days, nine hours (6/9/02 08:30 - 6/13/02 17:30 PST), and MCX was without water (and fish) for up to two days, 6.5 hours (6/11/02 07:15 - 6/13/02 13:45 PST). 06/17/2002 13:35 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: corrected 06/17/2002 13:35 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 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13:34 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: corrected 06/17/2002 13:34 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: corrected 06/17/2002 13:34 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: corrected 06/17/2002 13:34 prentice 04:ExcessiveNoise: corrected 06/17/2002 13:34 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise: corrected 06/17/2002 13:34 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise,02:ExcessiveNoise,03:ExcessiveNoise, 04:ExcessiveNoise: corrected 06/07/2002 09:39 prentice 04:ExcessiveNoise: Made mod to shield box 3-6 June 06/07/2002 09:37 prentice 02:ExcessiveNoise: Made mode to shield box 3-6 June 06/07/2002 09:36 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: made mode to shield box June4-6 2002 06/07/2002 09:36 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: made mode to shield box June 4-6 2002 06/07/2002 09:36 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: made mode to shield box June4-6 2002 06/07/2002 09:36 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise: made mode to shield box June4-6 2002 06/07/2002 09:35 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise: 01:ExcessiveNoise: Mods made to Shield box 06/07/2002 09:35 prentice 01:ExcessiveNoise: Mods made to Shield box 06/06/2002 15:04 Prentice The major work on the four RF shield boxes has been completed by the COE contractor. All transceivers were activated at about 0625 PST on 6 June and should remain in an ON condition until further notice. 06/05/2002 11:00 Prentice All transceivers were shut off at about 0700 until 1500 on 4 June, 2002. COE is performing work on the shield boxes (i.e., new hinges on doors, installing vents, replacing RF seals, etc.). This same On -Off pattern for the transceivers will take place during the remaining days of the week while work continues. 05/31/2002 13:07 Prentice Between the hours of about 1300 PDT and 1430 PDT on 22 May transceiver one was shut Off so that new capacitors could be installed at the antenna. 05/31/2002 09:47 Prentice On 30 May, during the period of 0730 PDT to about 1215 PDT all units were turned On and Off while capacitors (installed mica capacitors) were changed. 05/31/2002 09:40 Prentice On 29 May, transceivers 1 and 2 were turned on and off during the period of about 1600 PDT and 1730 PDT for work on the antenna system. Water was again found in the shield boxes due to condensation on the pipe. COE will be installing air vents and will be making other modifications to the shield boxes during the week of 3 June. All transceivers will be turned off during the actual work period. I will log the system down period when it actually occurs. 05/26/2002 09:07 darren@p 01:LowExcCurrent: Alarm was caused by maintenance that was being performed by personnel. 05/20/2002 07:23 Dave Yesterday (5/19), I pcA'd into MCX-PC1 and retrieved outstanding file MCX02136.B. This is the third time I've manually PTTP'd this file to Gladstone, and it appears the file had been automatically PTTP'd before that. Thus, this file has been sent to the Gladstone server four times. I confirmed that it was in fact loaded to the PTAGIS database on this most recent attempt. I suspect a problem with the server-site PTTP process. 05/19/2002 16:06 Don_Warf Still no IP connection to Mcnary. PCAed into MCJ via modem to verify that data is being collected. 05/19/2002 14:02 Don_Warf Could not establish PCA session with any Mcnary machine. Will contact the COE in the morning. 05/17/2002 18:15 Dave Noticed hole in data record form MCX02136.B-C. pcA'd into site and copied those two files from the archive directory to the upload directory, and then PTTP'd those files, along with recent file MCX02137.B, in one batch. 05/17/2002 10:49 Prentice At about 1000 on 16 May adjustments to the capacitance pot were made on all four transceivers to reduce noise levels. 05/17/2002 10:45 Earl_Pre The current report was changed from 1000 ma to 500 ma on all four transceivers at McNary Dam on 15 May between 0700 & 0730. Transceivers 1, 3, & 4 were adjusted to reduce noise level. Unit one was shut off between 0726 and 0930 in order to correct a low current problem from water condensing on the coil. Water was from the insulation inside of the shield box that had not completely dried. The insulation in the other shield boxes has completely dried thus we did not have the water problem. This problem should not reoccur since air vents will be installed in the shield boxes. When the unit was left the settings were Phase 4, sig 7-9, amp 5.5. 05/17/2002 09:24 Scott_Li PCA into MCX-PC2 and manually initiated file submission. All files in cue were sent successfully. No appearent reason for the PTTP client not to be sending files. Closed PTTP client and restarted. Will monitor for reoccurring problem. 05/09/2002 09:08 Dave Retrieved and loaded outstanding data files MCX02126.A-C, spanning midnight to 18:00 on May 6. 05/06/2002 11:06 Scott_Li Set the file submission frequency to upload 4 times per day. 05/05/2002 15:36 Dave Retrieved and queued outstanding data files MCX02124.B and MCX02124.D. 05/05/2002 12:02 Dave Again retrieved and queued missing files MCX02122.D-E, MCX02123.A-C, and MCX02123.F. They disappeared out of the queue during the 9:15 (PST) load. 05/05/2002 10:28 Dave FYI, I'm trickling in outstanding files since MCX02090.*, approximately six at a time. Since we've got a lot of other backfilling activity, and batch submissions from non-PTOC sites, I'll probably load these through the midnight and dawn queues. 05/05/2002 10:21 Dave Retrieved and queued missing files MCX02122.D-E, MCX02123.A-C, and MCX02123.F. Two remaining files MCX02124.B and MCX02124.D will be retrieved and queued after 12:00 file load. 05/05/2002 10:05 scott MCX02123.D 05/03/02 08:03 05/03/02 14:00 LOADED 0 days 08:03 1 05/04/02 05:20 MCX02123.E 05/03/02 14:00 05/03/02 20:00 LOADED 0 days 00:00 1 05/04/02 05:26 MCX02124.A 05/04/02 00:00 05/04/02 06:00 LOADED 0 days 04:00 1 05/04/02 08:36 MCX02124.C 05/04/02 12:00 05/04/02 18:00 LOADED 0 days 06:00 1 05/04/02 21:10 MCX02125.A 05/05/02 00:00 05/05/02 06:00 LOADED 0 days 06:00 1 05/05/02 07:42 Wheres the missing files? Will check the archive dir.on the main computer. Also will find out why this is happening. 05/03/2002 10:10 Earl At about 0700 on 1 May 2002 all transceivers were adjusted to lower noise. The units had drifted since the adjustments were made on 30 April. The signal level was adjusted to about 5-8% on all units at 4.4-4.5 Amps. 05/03/2002 10:09 Darren_C Files are set to 4 per day on PC1 and PC2. 05/03/2002 08:59 Prentice On 30 April the buffers of all four transceivers was cleared. The report time was changed to 60 minutes. All transceivers were adjusted to lower noise. All antenna wraps were secured and the caps placed in containers for protection. During the coil securing process each unit was shut off during the following time periods. Coil 1 Off at 1648 On at 1724 PDT. Coil 2 Off at 1430 On at 1534 PDT. Coil 3 Off at 1335 On at 1422 PDT. coil 4 Off at 1545 On at 1636 PDT. 05/03/2002 08:59 Prentice On 2 May all transceivers were adjusted to maximum current and then the units re tuned as per a suggestion by Sean Casey-Destron. This change is an attempt to determine why the units are changing tune during the day. On this day the wind was blowing at about 25 mph. The units were left set at the following: Coil 1 Ph=5 sig=8-12 Amp=5.6 Temp= 42 Coil 2 Ph=5 sig=8-9 Amp=5.7 Temp= 38 Coil 3 Ph=5 sig=7-8 Amp=5.6 Temp= 46 Coil 4 Ph=4 sig=9-11 Amp=5.6 Temp= 46 05/02/2002 17:13 Dave Retrieved 41 outstanding data files, from April 2 - April 30. 04/25/2002 20:41 ptagdev@ 01:ExcessiveNoise,03:ExcessiveNoise,04:ExcessiveNoise: Acknowledged 'Noise' alarms to clear red lights on 'MinList' annunciator panel. (These will now show up on the new 'NoiseEventsOnly' panel) Doug Clough 04/25/2002 18:12 Dave We're still missing all eight MCX02104.* files, MCX02113.F-H, and MCX02114.C-F. If I had pcA access, I'd get 'em. 04/22/2002 15:31 Earl_Pre Correction to 11 April log entry. On 2 April 25 fish were introduced into the 36 inch dia pipe via the hatch upstream of the first coil. It was reported that all 25 fish were detected, this was in error only 24 of the 25 were detected (96% reading efficiency 4 coils combined). 04/19/2002 16:12 Carter_S To: ptagis_report_users , "Hurson Dave F NWW" , "Earl Prentice (E-mail)" , ptoc@psmfc.org, Charles Morrill , ED BUETTNER , asetter@oregonvos.net, doug.marsh@noaa.gov, dave wills , Dave.Marvin@ptagis.org, john_tenney@psmfc.org, "Ocker Paul A NWW" Subject: PTAGIS Data Problem at MCJ See the Event Log for MCJ for further information: http://www.pittag.org/Ptoc_OM/event_log/index.html STATUS: =================================== Obs_Site and Obs_Main tables have been patched as of 13:30 April 19, 2002. The Site Tally report has been updated and verified. Questions have been raised about MCJ missing fish that MCX has detected. Raw data downloaded directly from the separator monitor transceivers at MCJ have been cross referenced with data stored in PTAGIS. No material discrepancies have been identified. Note that at times, the McNary full bypass gate diverts fish seen at the MCX PIT tag monitors directly to the river, bypassing MCJ. The times of these bypasses are recorded in the "Raw Interrogation Files" located at www.pittag.org/Data_and_Reports Note also, that when there are many fish in the MCJ separator and many fish decide to leave 'at once', it is likely that fish will be missed on the juvenile transceivers. This was observed during ISO transceiver tests at McNary in 1998. Please let Carter Stein or Dave Marvin know if you notice further discrepancies. Thank you for your patience. --Carter 04/18/2002 16:27 Carter_S From: "Ocker, Paul A NWW" To: "'carters@psmfc.org'" Subject: FW: Important McNary Information - Please Read Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 13:43:47 -0700 -----Original Message----- From: Ocker, Paul A NWW Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 1:05 PM To: 'Bill.hevlin@noaa.gov'; 'gene.matthews@noaa.gov'; 'doug.marsh@noaa.gov'; 'tudor@oregontrail.net'; 'Eric Hockersmith'; 'sandy.downing@noaa.gov'; 'earl.prentice@noaa.gov';'gordon.axel@noaa.gov'; 'Tom.ruehle@noaa.gov'; 'Carl.Schreck@orst.edu'; Mark Karnowski (E-mail); 'Jepsen, David'; 'Brad.Eppard@noaa.gov'; 'Paul.wagner@noaa.gov'; Rod Woodin (E-mail); Ann Setter (E-mail) Cc: Baxter, Rex D NWW; Shutters, Marvin K NWW; Eby, Brad W NWW; Johnson, Bobby NWW Subject: Important McNary Information - Please Read Hello All, The Mid Columbia Chinook transport study at McNary is starting to happen as the first group of released fish (From the Entiat Hatchery) is starting to arrive (7 on Tuesday, 34 on Wednesday). We are collecting now and anticipate loading fish on the barge starting on the 19th of April. Because of the loading line setup (from my understanding), fish from the B-side can not be loaded onto the barge while bypass is going on. Therefore, (based on the suggestion of Bill Hevlin at FPOM) for the period of time that it may take to load one raceway onto a barge, from about 6 or 7 am for about an hour, fish will be full flow bypassed until after loading has occurred. Based on detections of PIT tags at McNary in 2001 between April 1 and June 15 (according to DART), approximately 3.9-5.6% of H/W chinook/steelhead pass the detectors during any single hour during that time period of 6am to 9am. Those people trying to look at the efficiency of the full flow detector should keep this in mind when looking at detection efficiencies. Brad and Bobby, we will probably need to know the start and end times the facility is in full flow bypass during that time period. In addition, it will be left up to the discretion of the personnel loading the barge as to which barge hold the fish goes into. The fish will be put in the holds with fish transported from the other projects with the understanding that we do not want fish regularly deposited into the holds with either the lowest or highest density. We would prefer that the loading occur randomly. Again from my understanding, the hold density data sheets are carried on the barge and can be consulted prior to loading. Please forward this to anyone else who may need this information. Paul A. Ocker 04/18/2002 09:56 dlwarf@p 01:ExcessiveNoise,02:ExcessiveNoise,03:ExcessiveNoise,04:ExcessiveNoise: NMFS notified. 04/18/2002 06:58 Earl_Pre On 16 April a total of 740 PIT-tagged juvenile fall chinook salmon were released by NMFS as part of an effort to determine the tag reading efficiency of the newly installed main transport pipe PIT-tag system. The fish were divided into four test groups and were released into the entrance of the main transport pipe via a flexible hose. The tests were all conducted in the morning. 04/15/2002 08:43 Carter set file checking on for mcx, mc1, mc2 at 8:45 4/15/02. 04/14/2002 13:51 dlwarf@p 02:ExcessiveNoise: Will notify NMFS. 04/13/2002 19:23 dlwarf@p 01:ExcessiveNoise,02:ExcessiveNoise,03:ExcessiveNoise,04:ExcessiveNoise: Will notify NMFS. 04/11/2002 12:27 Earl NMFS conducted preliminary tests on the McNary main transport pipe experimental PIT-tag interrogation system on 2 April 2002. Adjustments were made to all four transceivers to maximize tag reading efficiency prior to testing. Transceiver noise was reduced by adjusting both power and capacitance. The system consists of four independent coils wrapped on the 36 inch diameter pipe that leads from the powerhouse to the juvenile collection and monitoring facility. The distance between coil 1 and 2 is about 30 ft, between coils 2 and 3 about 21 ft and between coils 3 and 4 about 33 ft. Maximum water velocity in the pipe was measured at 11 ft /sec. A velocity of 10 ft /sec was measured near the surface and sides of the pipe. One test using free flowing PIT-tagged sticks was conducted. Thirteen tagged sticks were released through a pipe hatch located about 8 ft upstream of the first coil. All 13 tags were read on all four coils. This test was followed by a fish test. A total of 25 PIT-tagged juvenile steelhead were introduced one at a time into the transport pipe via the hatch upstream of the first coil. Combining the results of all four coils we obtained a tag reading efficiency of 100%. Finally, a total of 41 PIT-tagged juvenile steelhead were released one at a time into the head of the main transport pipe located in the powerhouse via a flex hose. Release time for the fish varied from about 5 sec to 15 sec. The fish took about 45 sec to reach the first coil fro the point of release. All fish were detected (100% reading efficiency). These tests were conducted to aid in the design of fish tests scheduled for 9 April which will in part determine system tag reading ability. 04/11/2002 10:42 Earl_P The McNary main transport pipe experimental PIT-tag interrogation system was activate on 1 April 2002. The system consists of four independent coils wrapped on the 36 inch diameter pipe that leads from the powerhouse to the juvenile collection and monitoring facility. The distance between coil 1 and 2 is about 30 ft, between coils 2 and 3 about 21 ft and between coils 3 and 4 about 33 ft. Presently there is a grounding problem causing high noise levels on the transceivers but a temporary fix has been implemented COE electrical contractors will correct the problem.McNary main transport pipe PIT-tag system 1 April 2002 04/10/2002 11:10 carters@ 01:ExcessiveNoise,02:BadExcFreq,02:BadOscFreq,02:ExcessiveNoise,02:LowExcC urrent,02:TestTagFailure,03:ExcessiveNoise,04:ExcessiveNoise: Alarms acknowledged. NMFS continues testing... 04/08/2002 09:27 Scott_Li PCA'd to the data collection computers and found that the Windows system clock was 1 hr ahead of pacific standard time although the computers were not set to observe daylight savings.. See below snippit, specifically the last two time stamps. Re-adjusted the windows system clock to reflect PST. ~04/07/02 02:15:08 ~04/07/02 02:30:08 ~04-6 04/07/02 02:41:40 ALARM MESSAGE: Single-shot test with Test Tag. | 06 04/07/02 02:41:40 3E7.0000001D04 XX 04 ~04-6 04/07/02 02:41:40 ALARM MESSAGE: Test Tag Found. ~04/07/02 02:45:08 ~04/07/02 04:00:08 FILE CLOSED : 07 APRIL 2002 AT 04:00 04/06/2002 08:48 darren@p 01:TestTagFailure,02:TestTagFailure,03:TestTagFailure,04:TestTagFailure: These alarms were already cleared once before. It was caused by site personnel working on the site. 04/03/2002 09:16 Darren_C The Data collection platform was completed and communications were established Yesterday (4-2-02) as of 15:00. The site was being tested by NMFS with both sticks and Live fish yesterday evening. Files are being sent on a regular basis. 04/03/2002 09:14 Darren_C The files that were loaded yesterday cut off at .C and then the next file that was loaded was .T the files between these were generated while trying to nail down a communication problem and contained no Data. I did archive these files on PC1 but did not see the need to clutter the server with useless information. 04/03/2002 08:30 darren@p 01:TestTagFailure,02:TestTagFailure,03:TestTagFailure: Alarms can not be validated. Files cannot be opened. The one file I can get into does not show any test tag failures. I will check the raw files to see what is going on with the timer tags. The site was commissioned and tested with both sticks and Live fish. 03/29/2002 14:06 Carter_S From: Earl Prentice To: Bruce Jonasson CC: Sandy Downing , Bill Wassard , Edmund Nunnallee , Carter Stein , Don Warf Subject: McNary power The COE has indicated that power from the PIT-tag instrument building to the 36 inch pipe transceivers will be available by Sunday 31 March. Lets operate as originally planned. Lets head for McNary on Monday and finish up the install. 03/22/2002 15:06 scott MCJ platform has been upgraded to Multimon Ver. 8.02. MCX platform has been upgraded to minimon Ver.1.0.81. Both sites are sending data to TEST until pre-season work activities have been complete and the XCVR buffers have erased. No devices are yet attached to the MCX platform. 03/14/2002 08:52 Dave Brad Eby, the McNary Corps biologist, reports: "I plan to start running fish (if there's any around) across the separator the morning of April 1. We will only be in primary bypass for several minutes, possibly an hour or two, until the collection channel water level stabilizes, then switch to the separator and secondary bypass." 03/14/2002 07:54 Carter_S Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 07:48:53 -0800 From: "Earl Prentice" To: Carter Stein Subject: Re: MCX Carter Stein Will Do!. FYI Our schedule calls for wrapping the coils at McNary during the week of 18 March. 03/13/2002 15:30 Carter_S Earl, Would you please send e-mail To: pitevent@psmfc.org with the Subject: MCX your name When you start-up, shut-down or change the operation of the MCX PIT tag equipment significantly. This will write your message the the MCX Interrogation Site Event Log and will allow others to view relevant data about data collection at the site in the future. The event log is available at www.pittag.org/Ptoc_OM at the link pointed to by "Current and Historic Facility Event Logs". The interrogation platform should be installed as soon at the Corps has finalized funding. The coil identifiers to use are 01, 02, 03 and 04 -- upstream to downstream. Here is the site configuration as defined in PTAGIS: MCX - MCNARY JUVENILE EXPERIMENTAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Configuration -> Seq Nbr: 110 Main? Y, Active? Y, Parallel_A_B? A, Poll? N Current Configuration: Seq Nbr 110 -> 13-Mar-02 To Present Comment: INITIAL INSTALLATION OF LARGE INTERROGATION COILS ON MAIN BYPASS FLUME: FULL FLOW BYPASS Monitors in Sort_Str sequence: Nbr 1 -> FULL FLOW BYPASS 38" PIPE Mon_Ctgry_Str: UNK, Entry_Y_N? Y, Exit_Y_N? N, Sort_Str: 1 (Coil,Controller): (01,01) (02,02) (03,03) (04,04) --Carter 03/07/2002 15:34 Carter_S Set up coil configuration in ptagis3 database. 03/07/02 15:23 carters Initial log creation for MCX ####End of Event Log for MCX###