EVENT LOG FOR SITE OKC Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 10/08/2010 07:43 Steve September 15, 2010: Replaced faulty exciter cable for Antenna 1. At this point, the entire array is functioning and interrogation is finally consistent and continuous and numerous sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka are being detected. 10/08/2010 07:43 Steve May 14, 2010: Problem with power solved - faulty relay in battery switcher. Relay replaced. Interrogation is continuous and consistent at this point. 10/08/2010 07:43 Steve March 27, 2010: Something is up with Antenna 1 - high noise. Antenna removed from sampling sequence until problem is resolved. 10/08/2010 07:43 Steve March 27, 2010. Power issues again. Power not being provided to transceiver enclosure consistently. Interrogation interrupted from March 27, 2010 through May 14, 2010. 10/08/2010 07:43 Steve March 18, 2010: Fourth antenna installed at the OKC array. Batteries in battery switcher replaced. 10/08/2010 07:43 Steve November 19, 2009: Based on the lack of test tag detections, interrogation was interrupted from November 19, 2009 through March 18, 2010. 10/01/2010 15:33 Dave This site's configuration was initialized in PTAGIS on 01oct10. ####End of Event Log for OKC###