1995 Event Log PRJ -- Chandler Canal at Prossor ==================================================== 05/03/95 PSMFC is concerned that all interested parties are aware of PIT Interrogation Equipment status at PRJ. As site is not interogating, and spare parts are low, PSMFC may remove equipment from PRJ in the event of an equipment failure at another PIT facility. Carter talked to Bruce Watson (YIN-5099665156) re PRJ. per Tom Ruehle. Bruce said that he knows of no PIT tagging in the Yakima River... he has no problem with shut-down. Referred me to Walt Larrick and Lynn Hatcher. I left messages for Walt and Lynn at 16:40 today. -Stein- 04/24/95 Site shut down for the season. -Warf- 04/20/94 Carter checked tagging data set for any tagging done in the Yakama Basin for the 95 out migration. No data meeting this criteria were found. -Stein- 03/06/95 Visited for maint. Everything checks ok. -Warf- 02/23/95 Returned to site with replacement equipment. Replaced damaged excitor, Power Supply, two Signal Filters, one loop tuner, one power filter. Retuned tunnels and stick tested. Changed multiport from 4 port to 8 port and set at 9600 baud. Powered system up at 2:00 pm. -Ross- 02/22/95 Trash buildup caused flooding in building. Excitor housings flooded. Shut down system at 2:00pm. Both excitor housings had water on the cards. One excitor dead. -Ross- 01/17/95 Site has been down from 12/21/94 until now due to lack of access to the site. Everything checks ok. -Warf- ===============------ EOF PRJ ---===================