EVENT LOG FOR SITE A_PRJ Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time & who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Date Time Who What -------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 08/14/98 11:31 carters PRJ-1, SEPARATOR: Annunciator warnings acknowledged 07/20/98 11:31 scottl Tested and installed mailer ver 1.3b today. This version eliminates the need for human intervention upon a premature or inadvertent disconnection during the uploading of files to the database. 07/09/98 13:19 scottl The subsample monitor was down from 2:39:10 7/8/98 until approx. 12:00 pm 8/9/98. The last known timertag detection for this monitor was at 2:39:10. 07/09/98 13:10 scottl Replaced the controller for coils c8,ca separator, and c4,c6 sub-sample. When arrived at site found the pittag room very, very hot. The air conditioner had been turned off. This probably explains the controller failure. Also tested the new mailer version 1.3 and found problems that have been reported to Gordon Anderson. The current version running is 1.2. 06/08/98 15:38 scottl Traveled to the site and found the main collection pc in a stuck state. A dialog box was on the screen indicating that the pc had been disconnected by the peer.At this point human intervention is required to reconnect or cancel. Multimon was still collecting data at this time so no data was lost. Talked with Gordon anderson and he is writing a error handler to prevent this from happening again. Will test in lab under this scenerio and test new error handler. Uploaded all files that needed to be sent to gladstone. 05/28/98 14:04 dlwarf Visited for a general maintenance check and found no problems. 05/23/98 09:37 dlwarf Visited for a general maintenance check and found no problems. 05/19/98 09:18 dlwarf Phone line is now repaired. Edited mailer.ini file. Uploaded all files. 05/14/98 14:16 scottl The phone line is down at this facility. Don called in a trouble ticket to the telephone company. Loaded the new mailer ver. 1.02 on the collection machines and took clip files of all the ppp/tcp/ip protocol settings for the installation and setup manual. Copied the data files for dates of 98130.00-004 to 98133.001-004 and e-mailed them to Carters for processing by PTAGIS. 05/14/98 13:34 dlwarf Reported dead data line line to Sprint at 1:30pm. Line should be repaired by 5:00pm tomorrow. 05/01/98 12:00 dlwarf Visited for a general maintenance check and found no problems. 04/06/98 13:41 scottl Found that the main computer was locked up. Back up system was functioning and collecting data. Swapped phone line to Backup computer and uploaded file to ptagis. Changed some of the TCP/IP, PPP properties in order to try and figure out what was causing the system to lockup. Changed the phone numb in the dialer to another modem. Will monitor closely for reocurring problems 03/27/98 13:54 scottl Replaced Exciter on coils 08,0a.Turned down dc voltage from 29.5 to 28.0 This could be the cause of the supply connector getting to hot and burning u Ran stick test on separator coils, Results below. 08 read 20 of 20 stick tags 0a 20 of 20 oc 20 of 20 0e 20 of 20 Sub sample read 1000f 20 stick tags on both coils... Rewired printers to the controllers. All tested well. The facilty is ready for fish 03/24/98 15:47 carters Interrogation equipment has been operating and timer tag information has been collected since new interrogation platform installation. Water has been running through facility since October, 1997. 03/11/98 13:24 scottl The interrogation platform for this site has changed from the traditional software stack to the new Windows 95 version. Facility interrogation equip. was powered up 3/10 approx. 13:00 hrs.