EVENT LOG FOR SITE RRJ Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time & who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What -------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 10/22/2002 07:54 acarson@ 11:Overrun,22:LowExcCurrent: Alarms acknowledged. 09/24/2002 15:40 Dave Anthony Carson informs us that the Rocky Reach Dam juvenile facility is dewatered, and he is decommissioning the site for the winter. I've updated /etc/sites. 08/27/2002 09:13 dlwarf@p 11:Overrun: Acknowledged. 08/26/2002 09:17 acarson@ 11:Overrun: Overrun acknowledged 08/23/2002 07:38 acarson@ 11:Overrun: Overruns acknowledged 08/19/2002 10:10 acarson@ 11:Overrun: Overrun acknowledged. 07/30/2002 12:02 acarson@ 11:Overrun: Overrrun acknowledged. 07/23/2002 09:00 acarson@ 11:Overrun: Overrun acknowledged. 07/15/2002 08:15 acarson@ 11:Overrun: Overrun acknowledged. Will continue to monitor. 07/08/2002 07:47 acarson@ 22:Overrun: Noise report shows a sharp increase in average noise at the same time as overrun. I will continue to monitor the fluctuation of the system especially during the week of July 8 when temperatures should be in the 100’F. 07/03/2002 17:14 acarson@ 11:Overrun,11:TestTagFailure: When visiting the site on 06/28/02 I noticed that PCI is configured to auto-upload every 3 hrs. but it indicated on the device tab that the auto-upload function was disabled. PC2 is configured to archive only but device tab indicates that it is auto-uploading every 3 hrs. All files are being up-loaded to PTAGIS as they should but didn’t understand how this occurred. Scott Livingston suggested that the two PC’s where reconfigured (swapping PC1 and PC2) after the interrogation session had stated and never stopped the interrogation process on either computer since the reconfiguration. After stopping/starting the interrogation session on both PC’s the device tag now indicated the correct status of the PC’s. Re-tuned coil 11 and adjusted virtual tag level. Ran stick test on 24" pipe and averaged 10 reads per stick. RRJ02179. 06/26/2002 09:23 bbeckley 11:TestTagFailure: O&M visit scheduled for this week, the 27th or 28th of June. Will address test tag failure at that time. 06/21/2002 16:15 acarson@ 11:TestTagFailure: Failure will be addressed at the next site visit 06/26/02. 06/14/2002 14:18 bbeckley 11:TestTagFailure: Noted, will monitor. 06/13/2002 08:09 bbeckley 11:LowExcCurrent,11:TestTagFailure,22:BadOscFreq,22:LowExcCurrent,33:TestT agFailure: Maintance visit, tested, and tuned all readers. Will continue to monitor coil 11. 04/22/2002 13:41 Brett_Tu Something happened to one of RRJ's data computers on 4/17/02 and ptagis stopped receiving data files. I went through the computer settings over the phone with Lonnie from Chelan PUD to get the computer up and running again. I believe either Minimon was not running, or the computer was off for an extended period of time although Lonnie said the computer (and Minimon) was running when she got there. It was missing several files, and was not sending files to ptagis. I had Lonnie get the missing files from the backup computer and send them to ptagis. The computer is now properly sending data files to ptagis. I noticed this morning (4/22/02) that there is a 14 hour block of missing data from the computers. I had Thad (PUD biologist) go look for the missing data. I haven't heard back from him yet. 04/16/2002 10:43 Dave Added RRJ to 2002 log menu in Interrogation Site Event Logs web page, accessible by the public at "www.pittag.org/Ptoc_OM/event_log/index.html". 04/09/2002 06:36 darren@p 11:ExcessiveNoise,11:LowExcCurrent,22:ExcessiveNoise,22:LowExcCurrent,22:T estTagFailure,33:ExcessiveNoise,33:LowExcCurrent,44:BadOscFreq,44:Excessiv eNoise,44:LowExcCurrent,44:TestTagFailure: alarms generated by personnel doing site maintenance. 04/06/2002 21:18 acarson@ 22:TestTagFailure: 22:TestTagFailure: Test tag failure due to noise spike (99%). Biomark will be on site 04/08/02 for further testing. 04/06/2002 21:17 acarson@ 22:TestTagFailure: Test tag failure due to noise spike (99%). Biomark will be on site 04/08/02 for further testing. 04/06/2002 09:48 bbeckley 22:TestTagFailure: Alarm acknowledged, O&M visit scheduled for Monday 4/8. Brian Beckley 04/05/2002 10:41 bbeckley 05:LowExcCurrent,22:BadOscFreq,22:LowExcCurrent,22:TestTagFailure,33:TestT agFailure,44:LowExcCurrent,44:TestTagFailure: Alarms acknowledged, O&M visit scheduled for Monday 4/8, approved Chelan PUD. Brian Beckley 04/05/2002 10:38 bbeckley 11:LowExcCurrent,11:TestTagFailure: Alarms acknowledged, O&M visit scheduled for Monday 4/8, approved Chelan PUD. 03/11/02 09:45 carters Initial log creation for RRJ ####End of Event Log for RRJ###