EVENT LOG FOR SITE RRJ Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 09/20/2010 14:56 Brett I installed the country code patch to Minimon to allow it to recognize 384 prefix tag codes 09/16/2010 07:18 Brett I shut off the mux and turned off the computers. 09/09/2010 12:00 Brett The Rocky Reach juvenile bypass was officially watered down on 8/31/10 at midnight. 04/08/2010 11:38 Steve_A Biomark installed a PIT-tag detection system in the "Flow Spreaders" in the Surface Flow Bypass at Rocky Reach Dam in February 2010. During the installation and testing period, the bypass was operated and PIT-tagged fish released by others were detected (March 5, 16, and 17). Test fish were released into the system on March 16th. The detection system was operated the morning of the 17th and then operation was suspended until April 1, 2010. Monitoring has been continuous since April 1, 2010 and will continue until the conclusion of the operational period later this year. 03/25/2010 11:56 Dave Initial 2010 entry for restored Rocky Reach Juvenile Bypass interrogation site. ####End of Event Log for RRJ###