EVENT LOG FOR SITE RRJ The first line of each entry contains a date/time stamp & who is reporting. The most recent entry is listed first. Date Time Who ---------- ----- -------- 09/01/2011 14:49 Brett RRJ was dewatered and shut down on 9/1/11 at 12:56. RRJ11244.E1 is the last file for the year. 03/23/2011 07:20 Brett Biomark personnel turned on and tuned the RRJ system. We released 100 fish through each set of antennas to test the system out. Also, performed windows updates on the data PC's. Official start time for RRJ is 0700 PST on 3/22/11. 01/01/2011 00:00 PTOC_Bot Annual log file initiation for RRJ #### End of Event Log for RRJ ###