EVENT LOG FOR SITE SUJ Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time & who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What -------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 11/01/2002 11:17 Dave Modified etc/sites to alert Kirk Schroeder (schroedk@ucs.orst.edu) if SUJ does not upload data to PTAGIS for more than 24 hours. 08/26/2002 10:51 John_Ten Modified the single xcvr to communicate data over high-speed port instead of maintenance port and changed the device settings in Minimon from 'ASCII' to 'BPA Protocol' to accommodate the new configuration. Data is now communicated to the PC at a higher priority and status information from the xcvr can be monitored from the PTAGIS web site. In addition, xcvr status report delay was changed from 240 minutes to 60 minutes. 07/10/2002 15:28 Schroede Sullivan PIT tag computer was upgraded to Minimon 1.0.81. The upgrade was installed remotely via PCAnywhere on July 8, but the computer did not restart successfully and no interrogation files were recorded from 2019 July 8 to 1100 July 9. I visited the site on July 9 to restart the computer and had to reconfigure the device settings. Tested for successful communication and uploading. Downloaded transceiver buffer. Tested with a stick test tag for successful tag detection and data recording. Reset the computer clock to standard Pacific time. First data gap (July 8-9) from computer shutdown, second data gap (July 9) from program re-install, configuration, and buffer download. No unique tag codes identified in buffer records during these data gaps. submitted by: Kirk Schroeder ODFW 03/27/2002 06:56 Dave I disabled file checking in etc/sites for SUJ. This had been enabled yesterday. However, the SUJ interrogation site is not managed or contracted by PTOC, and its normal submission schedule of twice per day exceeds the normal "failure" threshold of our submission check. 03/11/02 09:45 carters Initial log creation for SUJ ####End of Event Log for SUJ###