EVENT LOG FOR SITE TMA Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 07/05/2005 13:45 Shannon_ The adult ladder at Three Mile Falls Dam (TMA) was shut down at about 1200 on 7/1/05 until around the middle of August. Shannon Jewett Assistant Project Leader Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration and Survival 80866 Hwy 395 N Hermiston, OR 97838 Phone: (541) 567-5318 Fax: (541) 567-0293 smjewett@oregonvos.net 01/26/2005 10:44 Shannon_ One of our antennas was taken down at TMA on 12/01/04 so it would not interfere with videotaping of adult passage at the viewing window. We will put the second antenna back on the window in February when we know tagged fish will be in the river because of tagging at our trap site. Shannon Jewett Project Assistant Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration and Survival 80866 Hwy 395 N Hermiston, OR 97838 Phone: (541) 567-5318 Fax: (541) 567-0293 smjewett@oregonvos.net ####End of Event Log for TMA###