EVENT LOG FOR SITE TMF Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 12/28/2006 09:03 Scott_Li ODFW will retrieve the missing data files from the back up computer on Friday Dec. 29, e-mail them to Scott in order to backfill the missing data, and complete the data set. 12/28/2006 08:54 Scott_Li File load stats indicate a 1 hr 4 min gap in the data set. This was due to maintenance being performed onsite. Will ask ODFW to retrieve the data file from the backup computer in order to back fill the gap. FYI, there is no remote access to the backup computer. 12/27/2006 15:15 Scott_Li Connected the telephone system to the trailer and configured the primary PC for automated dial up for data file submission. Sent all files in the pending queue starting on December 1, 06 up until today , Dec. 27t h File 06361.b1. Also, changed the outfall transceiver ID from 91 to 81 in order to match the current site configuration table in PTAGIS. Timer tags on all transceivers that are associated with radio communications were set to trigger every minute in order to monitor the health of the radio transmission. Set the primary computer, file creation frequency to 8 files per day and the back up PC will continue to generate 24 files per day as per the new standard platform configuration. Installed PcAnywhere and verified functionality and remote access. 12/06/2006 14:00 Scott_Li The PIT-tag system was brought down at 10:23.11 for maintenance on the AC power circuits. The system was brought back up into production mode at 12.48.57 PST. The primary computer file creation frequency was changed from 6 per day to 1 per day . Consensus is that it should be set 2 per day but will leave it at 1. The backup computer file creation frequency is set to 24 files per day. 11/21/2006 16:23 Dave The new Three Mile Falls Dam (TMF) site, which combines and replaces the previous TMJ and TMA sites, has been configured and initialized. The first TMF data file was opened on November 8, 2006 at 15:01. 10/16/2006 12:28 PTOC_Bot This is a test message sent from the ‘legacy’ web interface. It should be deposited in the top-level directory of the TMF Events forum. ####End of Event Log for TMF###