EVENT LOG FOR SITE UM1 The first line of each entry contains a date/time stamp & who is reporting. The most recent entry is listed first. Date Time Who ---------- ----- -------- 11/01/2010 15:10 Courtney 8/10/10 at 15:12 to 10/4/10 at 17:03 - No computer at the site. Buffer was downloaded. Interrogation file UM110277.ALL was submitted to account for this time period. 08/25/2010 10:49 Courtney 7/12/10 at 18:13 to 8/10/10 at 15:12 - No computer at the site. Buffer was downloaded. Interrogation file UM110222.ALL was submitted to account for this time period. 07/22/2010 16:03 Courtney 6/14/10 at 19:08 to 7/12/10 at 18:13 - No computer at the site. Buffer was downloaded and there were 4 detections. Interrogation file UM110193.ALL was submitted to account for this. 07/08/2010 13:46 Courtney 5/3/10 at 15:26 to 6/14/10 at 19:08 - No computer at the site. Buffer was downloaded and there were 2 detections. Interrogtaion file UM110165.ALL was submitted to account for this. 05/10/2010 11:31 Courtney 3/11/10 at 09:09 to 5/3/10 at 15:24 - No computer at site. Buffer downloaded and there was 1 detection. Interrogation file UM110123.ALL was submitted to account for this. 01/20/2010 14:20 Courtney 1/1/10 at 00:00 to 1/12/10 at 09:15 - No computer at site. Buffer downloaded and there were no detections. Interrogation file UM109310.ALL was submitted to fill in the file gap. 01/20/2010 14:19 Courtney 11/6/09 at 10:16 to 12/31/09 at 23:59 - No computer at site. Buffer downloaded and data file gap were submitted via UM109365.ALL. 9/21/09 at 16:52 to 11/6/09 at 10:16 - No computer at site. Buffer downloaded and detections were submitted via UM109310.ALL. 01/01/2010 00:00 PTOC_Bot Annual log file initiation for UM1 #### End of Event Log for UM1 ###